Tianheng Wang (she/her)
王天恒 [wɑŋ˧˥ tʰjɛn˥ xɤŋ˧˥]
PhD Student in Linguistics, Nankai University
Tianjin, China
Research interest: phonetics, computational linguistics, speech recognition and synthesis, Chinese historical linguistics, early Beijing Mandarin
Member of:
Contact: tw1701@nyu.edu
Journal Papers
- Wang, Tianheng. 2026 (in press). Tones of Beijing dialect since 1900 and their evolution: Evidence from early recordings. Language and Linguistics 27(1). Abstract: Since the discovery of real-time tone evolution in Thai and Chinese dialects, the existence of circular tone shift has been largely confirmed. The clockwise shift (high > rising > low > falling > high) has been found to be more prevalent than the counterclockwise shift (high > falling > low > rising > high). This study extracted tone patterns from 5 early recordings of citation tones in Beijing dialect dating from 1900 to the 1930s, and performed a quantitative acoustic analysis of tone evolution of Beijing dialect by comparing tonal differences between early recordings, early experimental results, and modern data. A clockwise tone shift in Beijing dialect since 1900 is confirmed: T1, high convex falling > high level; T2, high convex rising > mid concave rising; T3, low rising > low falling-rising, with intensified creakiness; and T4, lower falling > higher falling. By integrating our results with earlier documentation, we uncover a nearly completed circle of the fast-paced tone shift: the tone value of each tone has almost shifted to the value of its downstream tone in the clockwise direction over approximately 200 years. We identify two possible motivations for tone evolution in Beijing dialect: truncation-like effects coupled with hypocorrection, and push/drag effects between neighboring tones. Our findings provide concrete evidence for clockwise tone shift and contribute to a better understanding of tone evolution.
- Wang, Shuai, Yuzhu Liang, Tianheng Wang, Wei Huang, Ke Xu, Aleksandr Mitkov, Shuting Yuan, Jun Ding, Lining Wang, Yongdao Zhou, Quansheng Xia & Qibin Ran. 2024. Unraveling the influence of essential climatic factors on the number of tones through an extensive database of languages in China. Journal of Language Evolution 9(1–2). 29–48. doi: 10.1093/jole/lzae009
- Alkhattabi, Muhannad, Wei Huang, Ke Xu, Tianheng Wang & Qibin Ran. 2024. The voice acoustic analysis of cross-regional accented English speakers: Based on recordings from IDEA and SAA (跨地区口音英语发音人的嗓音声学分析——以IDEA和SAA的录音为例). Nankai Linguistics (南开语言学刊) 2024(1). 10–21.
- Wang, Tianheng, Søren Wichmann, Quansheng Xia & Qibin Ran. 2023. Temperature shapes language sonority: Revalidation from a large dataset. PNAS Nexus 2(12). pgad384. doi: 10.1093/pnasnexus/pgad384
- Liang, Yuzhu, Lining Wang, Søren Wichmann, Quansheng Xia, Shuai Wang, Jun Ding, Tianheng Wang & Qibin Ran. 2023. Languages in China link climate, voice quality, and tone in a causal chain. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications 10. 453. doi: 10.1057/s41599-023-01969-4
Conference Poster
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2021. 一种直观的调值格局可视化方法 (A novel approach to visualization of tone value pattern). The 14th Phonetic Conference of China (第十四届中国语音学学术会议) [PCC 2021], Lanzhou: Northwest Minzu University, 18–20 July 2021. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10152833
Selected Presentations
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2024. 切韵音系的舌根偏后与咽化 (Retracted tongue root and pharyngealization in the Qieyun system). Global Graduate Forum on Chinese Language and Literature (中国语言文学全球博士生论坛), Beijing: Peking University, 26–28 Dec 2024. [Won the Outstanding Paper Award (优秀论文奖)]
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2024. 三家子满语的语音特点 (Phonetic aspects of Sanjiazi Manchu). The 2024 Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Tianjin (天津市语言学会2024年学术年会), Tianjin: Tianjin University of Technology and Education, 16 Nov 2024.
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2024. 论元代汉语臻痕韵韵腹为
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2024. 切韵音系介音新构拟两题 (Two new reconstructions of medials in the Qièyùn system). Linguistics Salon (语言学沙龙) 4, Tianjin: Nankai University, 16 May 2024.
- 试论切韵“无重纽三等韵”尚无介音 (Disproving the existence of Qièyùn’s non-chóngniǔ division-III medial). Abstract: 前人将切韵音系帮、见、影组声母拆分为三等、非三等两类,并认为见组非三等为小舌辅音。本文肯定上述观点,提出切韵音系帮、见、影组非三等同属
- 试论切韵二等为咽化元音 (On the reconstruction of pharyngealized vowels for Qièyùn division II). Abstract: 切韵二等韵来自上古汉语
- 试论切韵“无重纽三等韵”尚无介音 (Disproving the existence of Qièyùn’s non-chóngniǔ division-III medial). Abstract: 前人将切韵音系帮、见、影组声母拆分为三等、非三等两类,并认为见组非三等为小舌辅音。本文肯定上述观点,提出切韵音系帮、见、影组非三等同属
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2024. 试论切韵“无重纽三等韵”尚无介音 (Disproving the existence of Qièyùn’s non-chóngniǔ division-III medial). The 5th Young Scholars’ Forum on Historical Linguistics (第五届历史语言学青年学者论坛), Beijing: Peking University, 20–21 Apr 2024. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.11017658
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2023. 再论中古汉语的四声:性质和演变 (Revisiting Middle Chinese tones: Characteristics and evolution). The 4th Young Scholars’ Forum on Historical Linguistics (第四届历史语言学青年学者论坛), Beijing: Peking University, 22–23 Apr 2023. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10454374
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2022. 刘宝全京韵大鼓录音反映的早期北京话io韵 (The final io in early Beijing dialect reflected in Liu Baoquan’s jingyun dagu recordings). The 19th National Academic Symposium on Early Mandarin (第十九届全国近代汉语学术研讨会), Dalian: Liaoning Normal University (online), 25–26 Jun 2022. Abstract: 京韵大鼓一代宗师刘宝全留有唱片和录像共33段,其语音带有许多早期北京话的特点。本文考察录音中的全部觉药韵细音字韵母,发现文读有io、üe的变异。通过提取文读韵母主元音的共振峰并绘制声学元音图,与其他ie、üe、uo韵对比,发现觉药韵细音字读üe时与普通üe韵无别,读io时主元音则与uo相同。io和üe的主元音无交集。由此证明io韵在19世纪北京话中仍是独立韵母。在刘宝全口中,io的介音在
Open-Source Tools and Projects
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2022. 韵段离合指数统计工具 (A tool for rhyming material mixing index statistics). https://nk2028.shn.hk/rhyme-stat/.
- Wang, Tianheng. 2021. kanbunHTML. https://phesoca.com/kanbun-html/.
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2021. 切韵新韵图 (New Qieyun rime table). https://phesoca.com/rime-table/.
- nk2028. 2020. 切韵音系自动推导器 (Qieyun system autoderiver). https://nk2028.shn.hk/tshet-uinh-autoderiver/.
Selected Data and Materials
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒). 2023. 对《齐梁陈隋押韵材料的数理分析》韵次数据的修正 (A revision of rhyme count data from Mathematical analysis of rhyming materials of Qi, Liang, Chen, and Sui). Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10153223
- Mikazuki, Ayaka (三日月绫香) & Tianheng Wang (王天恒) (eds.). 2023. 《王三》小韵全表 (Complete syllable table of Wangsan). Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10499263
- Wang, Tianheng (王天恒) (trans.). 2020. VoQS:音质符号(2016中英双语版) (VoQS: Voice Quality Symbols (2016 in Chinese)). Zenodo. doi: 10.5281/zenodo.10206204
2022–PhD in Linguistics, Nankai University
2017–2019MS in Computer Science, New York University
2013–2017BS in Fundamental Sciences (Chemistry and Biology), Tsinghua University
7 Jan 2019Excellent Influencer, Zhihu Linguistics, Beijing
4 Dec 2012Gold Medal, The 26th Chinese Chemistry Olympiad, Tianjin
Selected Middle Chinese Performances
- 2022. 晚期中古汉语三十六字母歌 (36 Initials Song of the Late Middle Chinese).
- 2022. 神女劈观 (The Divine Damsel of Devastation). (Sung in Early Tang Chinese)
- 2019. 苏幕遮·燎沈香 (Sumuzhe (Liao Chenxiang)). (Sung in Northern Song Mandarin)
- 2019. 八扇屏·莽撞人 (Bashanping: Mangzhuang Ren). 2019 Summer Workshop on Chinese Historical Phonology (2019年中国音韵学暑期讲习班), Tianjin, 1–6 Jul 2019. (Recited in Early Middle Chinese)