Compositions by unt

Selected Works

  • D大调管风琴前奏曲
    Prelude for Organ in D major, Uw. 66
  • 苏幕遮·燎沈香
    Sumuzhe (Liao Chenxiang), Uw. 23, art song
    Video on Bilibili · Play · Score
  • 晚期中古汉语三十六字母歌
    36 Initials Song of the Late Middle Chinese, Uw. 72, art song
    Video on Bilibili · Play · Score
  • 3首同构钢琴小品
    3 Isomorphic Pieces for Piano, Uw. 46

    1. 缅怀 / Remembrance · Play
    2. 来自古代遗迹的舞 / Dance from Ancient Ruins · Play
    3. 困意 / Sleepiness · Play

Selected Orchestrations

  • Butter-Fly & brave heart
    Butter-Fly & brave heart, “The Butter-heart”, Uw. 55, orchestration of themes from the anime Digimon Adventure (デジモンアドベンチャー)
    Video on Bilibili · Play
  • 白金disco
    Platinum Disco (白金ディスコ), Uw. 63, orchestration of the third opening theme of the anime Nisemonogatari (偽物語)

Works in Theater

  • 啊,海森堡!
    “Ah, Heisenberg!”, Uw. 48 · Play
    A duet from Act I of the play The Quantum Phantom in 19-76 (量子幽灵1976). The play was premiered on E5.31 at the 2015 Student Festival of Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University.
  • 高三老师的一天组曲:3首南开校歌变奏曲
    Grade 12 Teachers Suite: 3 Variations on Nankai School Song, Uw. 32

    1. 序曲:海棠入场 / Overture: Begonia Intro · Play
    2. 南开之晨 / Morning of Nankai · Play
    3. 合唱 / Choir · Play
      Incidental music to the documentary Grade 12 Teachers (高三老师的一天). The documentary was released on C6.4 at the 2013 High School Graduation Ceremony of Tianjin Nankai High School.

List of Works

Uw. (Unt’s work) numbers are assigned by the composer herself, usually in order of composition date. Among these numbers, arrangements of others’ works (mostly ACG music) are marked with the prefix “Uwa.”. Uws. and Uwas. are numbered consecutively.

The following is a list of unt’s works, in reverse order by Uw. number. Several incomplete or defective works are excluded. Alphabetic Year Numbering is used for dates after 2010. Audio is availble for some numbers. Click on the hyperlinked Uw. numbers to play.

Uw. 72晚期中古汉语三十六字母歌
36 Initials Song of the Late Middle Chinese
B-flat majorL7.27~7.29Bilibili · Score
Uw. 71忆江南
Yi Jiangnan
G majorI8.17~L5.16Bilibili · Score
Uw. 70相伴(长笛与长号短歌)
Together (Cavatina for Flute and Trombone)
A majorI1.26~2.3
Uw. 69雨中短诗
A Short Poem in the Rain
E-flat majorH4.25~unfinished
Uwa. 68善的主题(选自《数码宝贝大冒险》)管风琴版
Zen no Theme (from Digimon Adventure) for organ
C majorH3.20~4.17Arr. of Uw. 55 (except)
Uwa. 67Orange
E minorG9.23~9.24Performance
Uw. 66D大调管风琴前奏曲
Prelude for Organ in D major
D majorG11.5~11.6
Uw. 64喵哆LOGO曲
Theme of Meowdo
C majorG9.13~9.16
Uwa. 63白金disco
Platinum Disco (白金ディスコ)
F majorG9.3~9.25
Uwa. 59上层精灵的挽歌
Lament of the Highborne
Uwa. 55Butter-Fly & brave heart
Butter-Fly & brave heart, “The Butter-heart”
E-flat majorF12.16~G4.1Performance
Uw. 54语法和声下的Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace with Grammatical Chords
Uw. 53讶辖兜
Uwa. 52守望先锋主题
Themes from Overwatch
A minorF11.8~11.9
Uwa. 51哆啦A梦片头曲
Opening Themes of Doraemon
F majorF8.7~8.9
Uw. 50
C majorF7~10.6
Uw. 48啊,海森堡!
“Ah, Heisenberg!”
D majorE3.29~4.18
Uw. 47微光
F majorE2.24 (M8.1 rev.)
Uw. 463首同构钢琴小品
3 Isomorphic Pieces for Piano
D9.7~F7.293 pieces
Uw. 46/1 1. 缅怀
1. Remembrance
C-sharp minorD9.7~10.14
Uw. 46/2 2. 来自古代遗迹的舞
2. Dance from Ancient Ruins
B-flat minor?~E12.9
Uw. 46/3 3. 困意
3. Sleepiness
Uw. 46/2a3首同构钢琴小品:2. 来自古代遗迹的舞(管风琴版)
3 Isomorphic Pieces for Piano: 2. Dance from Ancient Ruins (for organ)
B-flat minorF?~3.9Arr. of Uw. 46/2
Uw. 44田间小路
A Path through the Fields
E majorD?~7.29
Uwa. 43梦世界
Yume Sekai (ユメセカイ)
E-flat majorD5.16~9.14
Uw. 41水道吟
Waterway Poem
D3.27 (melody)
Uw. 40布拉格,为弦乐四重奏而作
Prague, for string quartet
F majorD3~9
Uw. 39翔天翼犬(竖琴版)
Winged Dog (for harp)
C minorC?~12.6Arr. of Uw. 25a
Uw. 37煦光
Gentle Light
A majorC10.2
Uwa. 36春日的思念
Haruhi no Omoi (ハルヒの想い)
G majorC7.21~7.25Bilibili
Uw. 33新市之歌(管风琴版)
Anthem of Phesoca (for organ)
C majorC7.3~7.8Arr. of Uw. 16
Uw. 32高三老师的一天组曲:3首南开校歌变奏曲
Grade 12 Teachers Suite: 3 Variations on Nankai School Song
G majorC43 movements
Uw. 32/1 1. 序曲:海棠入场
1. Overture: Begonia Intro
G majorC4
Uw. 32/2 2. 南开之晨
2. Morning of Nankai
G majorC4
Uw. 32/3 3. 合唱
3. Choir
G majorC4
Uw. 31小狗子降临人间
The Advent of Inuko
C majorB11.24 (melody);
C5.14 (orch.)
Uw. 29夕叶湖光
Sunset, Leaves, Lake Reflections
B8.6~9.13 (melody)
Uw. 27绯索卡广播协会开台音乐
Opening Music of Φεσωκα Broadcasting Association
C majorB9.12~9.30
Uw. 26失折离而观树叹
Viewing the Trees after Losing Shella
A minorB4.11~4.13 (melody)
Uw. 25a翔天翼犬
Winged Dog
C minorB5.6 (melody);
C4.27~7.18 (orch.)
Uw. 24腾飞新市
Take off, Phesoca
B3.7 (melody)
Uw. 23苏幕遮·燎沈香
Sumuzhe (Liao Chenxiang)
B-flat majorB2.24 (melody);
E4.2~4.6 (arr.);
I8.6 (rec.)
Bilibili · Score
Uw. 20唯意引领新世界
Shall Synchronism Lead a New World
C majorA12 (melody)
Uw. 18年少月光
Childhood Moonlight
A majorA11.9~12.2 (melody);
B3.10~4.3 (arr.)
Uw. 173首随笔
3 Pieces
Uw. 16新市之歌
Anthem of Phesoca
B majorA9.16~9.24 (melody);
B7.27~10.23 (arr.)
Uw. 10于卖世界第二组曲
Yume Sekai Suite No. 2
0'3~54 pieces
Uw. 9于卖世界第一组曲
Yume Sekai Suite No. 1
2009~20103 pieces
Uw. 9/3a橙色的天空(弦乐合奏版)
Orange Sky (for string ensemble)
B-flat major0'1.4 (melody);
D1.4 (arr.)
Uw. 9/3b橙色的天空(合唱与管风琴版)
Orange Sky (for choir and organ)
B-flat majorD12.31~F2.3 (arr.)
Uw. 6F大调圆舞曲
Waltz in F major
F major2007 or 2008
Uw. 5金焦组曲
Jindok Suite
(2005~)20065 movements
Uw. 5/1 1. 序曲
1. Overture
C major2005 or 2006
Uw. 4思乡调
Yearn Home
D minor2004 or 2005
Uw. 4a思乡调
Yearn Home
D minorE9.5~10.9 (arr.)
Uw. 3e小调小品
Piece in E minor
E minor2004 or 2005
Uw. 22002组曲
2002 Suite
2002~20035 pieces
Uw. 1小小狗
Little Puppy
C major2002

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Compositions by unt”

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